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sardonic: adj; bitterly sarcastic

Friday, July 18, 2008

catching up...

so i've been in the city for almost a month and barely blogged...which upsets me thoroughly...i love it here...and never want to leave...but i can't help that nagging loneliness that seeps in. but im trying not to concentrate on that.

sooo...anywayz...i have a few personal projects in the works. I just saw dark knight. for free. I saw legally blonde. for free. I've been all around manhattan. Museums, parks. Bonding with the asians, the turks, the mexicans. Must upload pics. And im getting paid.

Rediscovering my love for drawing. Can't wait for school to start. But tomorrow. I want to go out.

I did printmaking for the first time today. The class that i followed around the rest of the week-the teacher was a background designer for Doug and Rugrats. She gave me some of her drawings. Gangster. I really miss my friends. I'm watching friends.

I'm gonna go lay in bed and finish up a drawing i started.

Friday, July 4, 2008

just for future reference...

just in case i forget what it feels like to be :D...

just want something to look back on so i can keep being :D :D :D